sabato 27 luglio 2013

Darth Maul

"Our time has come. For 300 years, we prepared. We grew stronger. While you rested in your cradle of power, believing your people were safe... and protected. You were trusted to lead the Republic—but you were deceived, as our powers of the dark side have blinded you. You assumed no force could challenge you...and now...finally...we have returned." [cit. SWOR]

lunedì 8 luglio 2013

sabato 6 luglio 2013

Bloody Guilty Concept

Mentre con i miei colleghi Edoardo "GameOver" Bernardini e Andrea "Bredina" Schiariti, mi accingo ad iniziare a disegnare questo fumetto, per vedere di tirarne fuori qualcosa di buono, vi posto le concept definitive dei due arcangeli Michele e Gabriele, sperando vi piacciano!!!